
Showing posts from 2011

What Do The Lonely Do At Christmas?

Are we really alone when we have family and friends we spend the holidays with? or Is that statement talking about a mate? because surely if you're lonely when you're alone, you're in bad company.I love it when I get together with my family, We have fun talking about the good ol days. Or just joking around and eating..We have a fish fry Christmas Eve..and Christmas Breakfast..Christmas is about being joyful, thankful that you are alive and in good health,The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree is  the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other “Everyone is lonely, we have to remember that life is to be lived one day at a time. You cannot worry about the past or future. Happiness is in the now, and truth be told Being alone and being lonely are two different things..Isn't it funny that at Christmas something in you gets so lonely for - I don't know what exactly, but it's something that you don't mind so much not having at other times.....


What am I thankful for this This Year as Thanksgiving rolls around once again, You know time waits on no one, I am thankful that I am still alive, My daughter just gave birth to a 6lb 14oz baby girl..Brielle Akira, Yes I am Nana number 5..I wear it well I must say, I thank God for another blessing. I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.  Its not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgivings,..I am thankful for my family, I may not see my families as I wish but when I do, its always a celebration. For the last 11 months people have come in our lives and gone, We knew some was here for a reason or season. but whatever it was they taught us something I am sure..but if you didn't learn anything, its sure to repeat itself.. I am thankful for my children, all different personalities keep me on my toes. A parents love is whole n...

Copy, Copy, Paste..Dare To Be Yourself...

I often wonder why people have to do what other people do, Can't use their own mind to Judge and person for what they think they are, but have to rely on others to make up their minds for them..Wow..If you like somebody and want to be friends, don't let your other friends influence you. I see this all the time. at work, on f/book. At work if you and your co worker are not getting along, wut does that have to do with me if I am getting along with them? I'm not going to change how i feel about anybody because that's not your favorite person..I have a mind of my own thank you!!I don't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better..and face book...If you don't want to be somebody friend you delete them, but don't try to get others to do the same because you have a problem with them, Judge for yourself..Don't be a cripple friend..“If you befriend a cripple, you will learn to limp,Think wrongly, if you please...

You Shall Reap What You Sow!!

Have you ever tried to squeeze blood from a stone? It is just not possible.Negativity and criticism may help to develop a thicker skin, but pressed too hard, the skin become stone. Negativity is poison and in all things we reap what we sow. when you are negative without tempering such actions or attitudes with kindness, you create an environment ripe for the breeding of resentment and animosity, hurt feelings are the natural outcome. Some people are so miserable that they want everybody to feel as they do.If you haven't sown anything good. you reap nothing good.You have to sow before you can reap. You have to give before you can get.. Watch how you treat people.Being Hurt and angry doesn't give you the right to get revenge, Vengeance is mine said the Lord..Half of us don't know anything about Our God, You go to Church a few Sundays and you may mutter a nice little prayer, Who I call "Bible Christian" Where all the Christianity stays in the bible and none of it get...

Adele - He Won't Go + Lyrics


The Best Thing I Never Had...

How many of us has Dodged a few bullets in our lifetime? Men and Women for that matter. Men would say: I am glad I did not hook up with that crazy girl, or women would say: Wow I am glad I didn't marry that idiot..Although some bullets wasn't meant to be dodged. Some were learning lesson, and if you didn't learn anything from failed relationships and marriages it is sure to REPEAT itself. Being married in this day and time is HIGHLY overrated!! Being in a relationship is hard enough. Its hard to find a person that is worth the trip..Things are not what they use to be, Women wouldn't dream of leaving a man back in the day, it was for better or worse, now its like null and void.You see somebody you dated long ago, and y'all only dated a short time because somebody showed their azz. All you can think about is Good looking out buddy, Thank God I dodge that bullet...Though we can't always see it at the time, if we look upon events with some perspective, we see things...

The Pursuit of Unhappiness Always Succeeds...

Much unhappiness has come into the world because of things left unsaid..People never say what they really mean, talks in a round about way, I am more and more convinced that our happiness or our unhappiness depends far more on the way we meet the events of life than on the nature of those events themselves..But most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it..We fall in and out of love through out our lives..some make us happy some make us unhappy. Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never ever the same.You can’t dial down feelings and we can’t turn back time. We can hope, even pray, that these intense feelings, desires & passions for that person, will subside if denied. That the ache in the heart will go away, that it will be filled with some other feeling, other than the love & happiness it...

Let Every Breeze Draw You Out Of Yourself....

Be aware of yourself and know yourself. No matter how much you have learned and how much you know, if you don't know yourself you don't know anything. Indeed, if you don't know yourself you cannot know anything else..We get in that comfort zone and get lost there..Dare to be happy!!  Dare too confess it!! What wrong with doing something you want to do!!Why are we afraid, I get sick and tired of people doing or being what other people wants them to be. You know misery no longer loves company, now a days it insist on it.."You have to learn to follow your heart. You can’t let other people pressure you into being something that you’re not. If you want God’s favor in your life, you must be the person He made you to be, not the person your boss wants you to be, not even the person your parents or your husband wants you to be. You can’t let outside expectations keep you from following your own heart.ok maybe you’ve invested a lot of time, effort, money, emotion, and energy in...

Happy Fathers Day to All the Dads..

There is a difference between a Father and a Dad,.It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father. I was fortunate to have 2 dads.. My dad (Jasper Frankin R.I.P. daddy) and (Roy Callahan Jr. R.I.P. Big daddy)..That was during the times when Parents was Parents.. Now we have Moms being fathers and Dads being mothers..I have seen some fathers had no hand in raising thier sons and daughters but would show up on graduation day..hmmmmm , I have a problem with that, but kids just glad they came..Have you notice that Mothers Day is more popular than Fathers Day? To be totally honest I forgot Sunday was Fathers Day, I realized it when I walked in a store today,  I was like Wow..ok I thought about some more and because my grandfather and both my fathers are deceased and I am divorced, I don't pay it much attention!! Not because my children Dad is not a good father to them, Its because they are grown and I don't have to tell them that fathers day is com...

Material Girls in a Material World..

Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul..Why are women chasing after happiness, Money and things will never make you happy, Blocking your blessing, Don't get me wrong material things are not to be despised, without them there can be no manifestation in the material world.. But while you out there looking for Mr right driving that Bmw, Mercedes, etc..He may just be driving a plain old ford 1999 f150,yea ya never know..but that depends on what you are looking for..Love or Things!! If you are looking for Things, then you are that Material Girl and you are on the right track meaningless relationship after relationship. I can understand you want your man/woman to at least have a job career wanting to be more and do more, But chasing cars and stars just don't look good on you. Surely if you don't have nothing, most women will not even look your way. Each of us will one day be judged  by our standard of life, Not by our s...

Welcome To The Wonderful World Of Social Networking...

Here's to the Wives and Girlfriends, and Husbands and Boyfriends,May they never meet!! It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are, I really didn't use to entertain much on f/book but with family and friends. But as the years went by I got to know some people that I wouldn't have never met if it wasn't for f/book and twitter etc. Everything I do, Is limited. If I took time to entertain anybody that means I thought it thru. However that does not mean that is a good thing.  What I call Flirting can be misinterpret.. Flirting to me is Attention without intentions.. or is it? Everybody  has different reasons for being on f/book and Twitter.. Lets take the married folks..I really feel strongly about this, you shouldn't send pictures of no kind to a woman or man, you shouldn't even comment, no inbox on the side, What would you have to discuss that you can't comment on the wall. Temptation is a mutha, but even if that's something you want to do, Y...

What you Keep Coming back to is Who you Really Are

Looking out my kitchen window Bold Statement I think, but it keeps being true, Was it someone else? Was it not you yourself? Well, I can only be me!! The most common form of despair is not being who you are, We must be careful what we pretend to be, because you are what you pretend to be..Often time I see people changing who they are to fit in, Especially when it comes to relationships, Why can't you find a man who will except you for who you really are?. Why would you change yourself just to get what you call your idea man..That will last every bit of a short time, because sooner or later the real you will show..I can understand If we don't show who we are to associates, We have a face for each of our friends. Our action still shows who we really are, Its not that we are being different This is really you..You can't live with a person for 20 yrs and not know who he/she really is..You knew who they were when you married them.. Lets use Maria Shriver and Arnold Swartz....

Its The Heart Afraid Of Breaking That Never Learns to Dance!!

It is the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance. It is the one who won't be taken who cannot seem to give. And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live.(Bette Midler The Rose lyrics). This is one of the most profound quotes there is:  Sad and empowering.. It is really saying to me that we only have one life and we need to live it Now..Tomorrow is not promise to us. We live in fear most of the time, and we settle. The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.We will fall in love and we will get hurt, but that's part of living, some people are not capable of love, but we learn that the hard way. but we must continue living. Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same..We must not fear making the most of our lives.How many times have we gotten our hearts broken? We can't just close our hearts out of fear, We need to open our hearts to receive love and affection from...

Love Is The answer But, While You Are Waiting For The Answer...

Sex raises some pretty good questions..I  just  think we are afraid of each other when it comes to sex, because we read so much about sex, we talk so openly about sex, we see movies and we read books; but when we are face to face with somebody, we forget our individual patterns; that we are unique. So we try to repeat other folks patterns, according to what we seen and what we heard. So most of us are very frustrated, because we don’t accept our individuality as far as sex is concerned..Sex is great, addictive, pleasureful and blurs the mind to where its hard to make objective decisions..The intimacy in sex is never only physical. In a sexual relationship we may discover who we are in ways otherwise unavailable to us..When you get to be 50 and over. You know exactly what it is you want and what it will take to please you. I thought that I would be satisfied with just having sex, But really I want to be in love too..Not that I would go looking for it..You do not...

Kelly Rowland - Motivation (Explicit) ft. Lil Wayne


Appearances..How Important Is It?

You see with your eyes. This means you can be misled by charm, by outward appearance by surface pretences. I do not see with my eyes. I see good and I see evil. Nothing else..I have dated some very attractive men in my day, But they wasnt worth a damn riding or walking!!..A friend of mine said Karen I don't know why you left him, he is too cute and fine..I said can have him, because he is just not worth it. Give me a man that loves me, who wants me, who are sensitive to my needs as well as his. I am not looking for that outward appearance.,,Would I take Waka flaka if he said he loves me? hmmmmm you know God made somebody for everybody..Never say never ladies and lol,,. Anywho..It is only when the mind and character slumber that the dress can be seen...Let us be grateful to the mirror for revealing to us our appearance only...Many men has fallen in love with a girl in a light so dim he would not have chosen a suit by it.. I am sure we all have made some mucked up...

Sex Over 50...Fuxkable or Duckable?..Straight Talk..

I think most women at 50 and over would be in that class of Fu x kable which means wanting and having the best sex of your life. We all fall in that rut sometime where we don't want sex after having kids and being that typical housewife. we don't care how we look or who even looks at us.which would be "Duckable" at that time we need some type of stimulation. A man can't make this about him, I bring home the bacon I need my needs satisfied, so you go thru the motions, feels like a job. He don't care what's on your mind really..Just do your job and keep me happy.Have I been in either category? I was fuxkable in my 20's to my late 30's and during the times I was married and was a house wife, I was "duckable" I don't think I wanted me at the time!! Now that I am Single and over 50 and have reach the peak of my life I am "Fu x kable" more now than I was in my 20"s. Women at 50 have the same thing on thier minds as men (sex)....

Being Married..Is it Highly Over Rated?

I think it is,. Am I saying this because I had one failed marriage? maybe!! It was not at all that it's cracked up to be. maybe because we went about it the wrong way..and i knew from the start..This is not the way it suppose to be..If you love a person and they love you and you want to spend the rest of your life together, does the paper seal the deal, it most def can't guarantee you will be together for ever..Why not just live together for ever?..Before marriage a man will lie awake all night thinking about something you said. After marriage he will fall asleep before you have finished saying I'm jes sayin, I'm jes sayin.. I mean, what does any one life really mean? But I guess  in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things... all of it, all of the time, every day. You're saying "Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go un-...

Damaged Goods...

Nothing is more damaging to a new truth than an old error. I wanted to believe that when a person comes out of a bad relationship one could go into another one without the excess baggage..But that is not true. People need time to heal, weather it is physical or mental  abuse going on in the marriage or relationship..I found that If you haven't gotten over it, chances of you  getting into a new relationship without problems will be totally impossible. Everything that has gone wrong with the relationship will be your fault..How much time is needed? I gave myself about a few years..Because I was an angry woman.. I had to forgive..the wounds still felt fresh. I didn't want to date anybody with the attitude that I had..The best feelings in your life come when you start feeling good after you've been feeling just awful..We put up this protective wall not letting nothing in..But while we are blocking everything we are blocking the joy we could have..Its ok to learn from the pas...

What I Want To Be Is Indispensable...

The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.”What I want is to be needed. What I need is to be indispensable to somebody. Who I need is somebody that will eat up all my free time, my ego, my attention. Somebody addicted to me. A mutual addiction, I know To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness, Which of us can resist the temptation of being thought indispensable? Be faithful to that which exists nowhere but in yourself- and thus make yourself indispensable”"What you want isn't always what you need and what you need isn't always what you want. Therefore sacrifices have to be made in order for you to achieve happiness..Happiness is an attitude.  We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong.  The amount of work is the same... Women are not pals enough with men, so we must make ourselves indispensable. After all, we have the greatest weapon in our hands by just being wom...

If You Don't Do What Your Hearts Want You To Do....

It can destroy you..Every day I get up at the same time sat on the side of the bed..sometimes I say nothing..Sometimes I say "Lord I am your child". He knows what I am talking about.. He knows me better than I know myself.. You know how you listen to the DJays on the Radio..They Love what they do..I have not turned on the radio and they not loving what they do..We should love what we do..If you want to be successful, know what you are doing, love what you are doing, and believe in what you are doing..You cannot just consider or talk about a path with heart. You must pursue it against all odds. If something rings true for you, then nothing and no one will be able to keep you from it. sometimes we are afraid to live our truths.Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it. It doesn't interest me what you do for a living I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing..To fully open your heart to someon...

Misery No Longer Loves Company, Now A Days It Insist On It..

If misery loves company, misery has company enough.. Everyday I hear the same thing from one person. Nothing ever comes from their mouth that's positive..Ever Never..and that is sad, I think they need to re examine the lives in which they live. If you are miserable in your marriage, relationships, Job, Why not get out of it. a piece of mind is better than anything in the world. You bring everybody morale down when  we never hear GOOD THINGS.. I can say, Oh It's such a beautiful day outside, and they will say..No i see a cloud it looks like rain..dang, not a damn cloud in the sky..but you can't enjoy the sun on your back...Wow..At some point in our lives we must c hoose your life's mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 percent of all your happiness or misery.. Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it..Most people would rather be certain they're miserable, than risk being happy... Nobody really cares if you're mise...

I Wonder If You Can Truly Resurrect Your Own Self.

It seems like people are all the time making themselves themselves, but they don't really know it.  You can only have true vision when you look behind.  A person can slide so fast into being something they never really intended..As far as inner transformation is concerned, there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot transform yourself, and you certainly cannot transform your partner or anybody else. All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter..Nobody can give us what we really already are. Wouldn’t it be terrible if somebody could give you what you really are? cause if they could give it to you, they could mos def take it away. Which brings me back to another question. Do we change? I say No, We may change the way we do things. But WE don't change..It's vital to remember who you really are. It's very important. It isn't a good idea to rely on other people to do it for you, you see. They always get it wrong, becaus...

Riding Out The Storm...

daughter and grands Expect the hill and the valley to see things differently..(Nothing Profound quoted)..Saturday storms in Atlanta and probably across the states was indeed intense. Which reminded me of my sons graduation in 2008, when the valedictorian  told a story about you got to ride out the storm, No matter how it looks ride out the storm eventually things will get clearer but don't pull over and stop and get caught up. Well my daughter and my grand kids was out and about to visit relatives.It begin to to rain while we were on the road, as we got closer to our destination we was going to make a stop at the store, but it was raining really hard by then, Hailing..We could not see a thing, It was horrible, couldn't see the car in front of us. I told my daughter to pull over, there is no way we will be able to get thru this, she said No ma..I am going to keep going, I said can you see? she said better than you?(lol the only part that was funny now that i am telling the s...

A Sure Thing...

Know you like a brother, Treat you like a friend. Respect you like a lover..You could bet that Never gotta sweat that...(I love this Song) If you be the cash I'll be the rubberband You be the match Imma be your fuse..Listen to the song It is one of the best love song other than Until the end of Timothy Bloom..This song Sure Thing by Miguel..This love is a sure thing... How many can say that?  I think we know when we have a SURE THING.. When I was younger I was sure of everything; then on down the road, having been mistaken a thousand times, I was not half so sure of most things as I was before; at present, I am hardly sure of anything but what God has revealed to me..I ask God to heighten my vision so that I may be able to see who is good for me and who is wasting my time...I am good now, It is amazing how good it feels to let go of something .. I am free to be in love....Such a sure thing....Knowing that everthing happens for a reason, should we be over excited about...

Miguel - Sure Thing


Pushing People To Do What They Don't Want To, Or Is It Procrastination?

What I know Fo'sho "If you allow procrastination to do it's job, success will be laid off:..The world is full of human lobsters; people stranded on the rocks of indecision and procrastination, who, instead of putting forth their own energies, are waiting for some grand surge of good fortune to set them afloat.  I know we all procrastinate from time to time, I am guilty. But sometimes we need a Push, I think the bottom line is, If you don't want to do it, chances are, you won't be doing it anyway.Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.It's like the art of keeping up with yesterday. How many times does we say, Well I am going to do this, but I will wait till....... and that times never come..what is till anyway? the 12th of never maybe?...hmmmmmmm Procrastinators: One who works well under pressure.. Why don't we just say, This is what i want, this is what I am going to do..NOW..Know t...

Wedding Bells for the Ex..Gotta love it...

 kierstin and granpapa    This is one of those days that Silence is a good thing... But I got to talk about it.. My daughter email me at work,(we both work in the same place) and said her father was getting married again. This is his 4th marriage. One before me and two after. I just hope this is it for him, that he finally found somebody that is right for him and thats his equal.I am so shock at the moment, I knew he was dating seriously, but I thought maybe I will find my mate before he do, crazy huh? know.. Am I jealous? No Honestly I am very happy for him, We been divorced for maybe 12 yrs I had a good run while we were together, learned alot, I knew we were not going to grow old together. I think every person knows if you will be with that person for the rest of your life...You know,,you may never want to admit it and try to hold on for dear life, but some things we must let go of.. He told me he will keep trying till he get it right, He just may have gott...

Clutter In Our Lives Leaves No Room for New People and New Things..

Everything we possess that is not necessary for life or Happiness becomes a burden, and scarcely a day passes that we do not add to it..  Some of us are Hoarders. We keep things no matter if its broken or not, You know you don't need it but you keep it anyway, not allowing some good things to come in your life. We keep people in our lives knowing they are no good for us, but we are allowing them to stop us from living the life that God has prepared for us..Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.. We need to get rid of some clutter, anything that doesnt serve a positive purpose in your life. We need to make room for  things that feel happy to you. You know we get to make our lives what we want it to be. Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough. Bottom line is, If you do not use it or need it, Its clutter. and it needs to go.Never again clutter your days or nights with so many menial and unimportant ...


Where did time go? I think I spent half of my childhood at a friends house. Gail Carr(Richardson). Her Mom {R.I.P. Stella} use to make this oatmeal w/carnation milk. I mean that's all we knew, I just haven't had oatmeal like that in 40 yrs..We didn't know we were "Po" We knew we ate a good meal and was Happy... all I knew I was the happiest at someone else's house.Some part of our past just sticks with you just like the oatmeal with the carnation milk..This is a part of the past we can bring with us..We looked out for each other back then, now we only look out for SELF. All the clothes I had, somebody gave them to me, and i was more than happy to received them, although I didn't know where they came from.Now a days We can't stand to see one another with anything, too busy trying to keep up with the Jones, just make sure the Jones isn't trying to keep up with you first. There are many things that we would throw away if we were not afraid that others...

"You Alone Are Enough. You Have Nothing To Prove To Anybody"

Throw back Why do we spend so much time trying to prove who we are to anybody..We prove what we want to prove, and the real difficulty is to know what we want to prove..He who knows his soul knows this truth..Who I am is what I have to work with. Look at me, not through me and you'll see me for who I am, someone worth looking at. I don't need to know or prove anything. Just to be, to take a risk and enjoy my life, is all that matters. Say no when I want to say no, and yes when I want to say yes. I have the right to be me.The most common form of despair is not being who you are.We need to know thyself, or at least keep renewing the acquaintance.. How much time is waisted trying to prove something when most of the time some people have already formed their opinion of you anyway. Be true to yourself, and be still, and always listen to yourself. We have to learn to accept "what is" Smile like you've got nothing to prove."Today you are You, that is truer than...

What Happens When We Do Nothing....

It's never to late to do nothing!..We always say, I think I am too old to do this or that. Remember when going on an interview was a piece of cake, You knew what to say, how to dress, I mean how many jobs we had when we were in our 20's. Well when you get 40-50 we think that an interview is just so damn over rate, we think they should just give us the job because we have the qualification. I mean Gee Gosh Willy, you know I am going to say exactly what I think you want to hear. But what if I do nothing?..The job will not just drop in my lap..Nothing tried, nothing done.  If you do nothing then you will get nothing in return..Same goes with relationships. We settle because it's easier. you know things ain't working out, but we choose to do nothing. You know you want somebody to love you, You want to be happy but fear just keeps you from it.but the way to be nothing is to do nothing.I use to hear wait is what broke the wagon down all the time..Or what are you waiting for?...

Jennifer Hudson - Where You At


"Crows Can’t Hang With Eagles" The Round Table.

Have you ever sat at the round table with a group of people, all with different personalities, You know there is a bunch of crows, But you know the eagles because they stand out..I try to figure out why am I here amongst these "croeagles"(that's a bootleg eagle) you know a wanna be but don't know how to SOAR.I am a good listener, because I can tell who you are the minute you open your mouth. Eagles come in all shapes and sizes, but you will recognize them chiefly by their attitudes..I am sitting at this round table, but I don't belong there. Eagles don't flock, you have to find us one at a time, I have been sitting with the crows way to long, I think we are where we are for a reason. Keep in mind, just because you don’t know the answer doesn’t mean that one does not exist. You simply haven’t discovered it yet. I am surrounded by people with old attitudes..and I know God will not pour fresh, creative ideas and blessing into old attitudes. Sometimes we live and ...

Timothy Bloom - 'Til The End Of Time ft. V. Bozeman


Am I Dreaming? Gods Church or The Devils Chapel...

Where God has his churches, the Devil has his chapels..So it seems I must have been dreaming, Forget about the life you have created for yourself since you were old enough to know what you wanted to do with your life, because 99.9% of the time it's not going as plan. We are taken down this dark road of "Why am I here" is this a lesson? should I have gone left? I must have went right to the Devils chapel. We don't know it's the Devils chapel. for the moment we have that selective vision and hearing.but does the devil know he is a devil?..hmmmmmm, or maybe I am dreaming and I am really in Gods church...Wow, I am so overwhelmed, because they both kinda seems alike, God said we will go through trials and tribulations."God never promised that we wouldn’t have challenges. In fact, He said just the opposite. His word says, ‘Be truly glad!...these trials are only to test your faith, to see whether or not it is strong and pure…’ so if your faith remains strong after b...

There Is A Right Way and Then There Is A Wrong Way To Do Anything..

Just Checking to see if i still have legs Do I turn left? when nothing is right? Or do I turn right, when there's nothing left?..hmmmm  Think about that statement for a minute.You know life is all about asses..You're either covering it, laughing it off, kicking it, kissing it, busting it, trying to get a piece of it, or behaving like one..Yep that's who you are, that's what you do, Most of the time we don't think before we act, Thinking before acting often eliminates the need to apologize, but when you feel you did nothing wrong, all of this is null and void, Some of you  seem to be interested in everything and committed to nothing..I try not to judge people on how they do things.but sometimes it gets hard not to. When you judge the power that a person has, you must judge his capacities as both friend and as enemy..Sometimes it is necessary to do a wrong thing for a right reason. The important thing is to be sure that our reasons are right, and we admit the wrong...

The Most Effective Answer To An Insult Is Silence...

And now there is Just silence, silence, silence, saying All I did not know..

What Does It Feels Like To Be Dateless on Valentine? What Do We Do?

Well, you know..It wouldn't be a big deal if i didn't have to pass the isles in the store with the big red box of chocolates, or pull up a page on the web and the first thing you see is diamonds and pearls..So I decided to treat myself to the material things that I wanted and soon I forgot all about it. Dateless by choice. Which one is better, Just being with some one so you can say you had a date, or being alone..I could care less about what you think.Yes, I choose to be alone. I have never had a problem getting a man. But I have gotten to the point that any old man won't do..I am not striving for perfection. Just the one that God has chosen for me..Because idiots surrounds me, Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot..I can be driven by my own vision or I'll be taken for a ride in someone Else's..Defined Dateless? having no date whatsoever. Oh well then that would be But do I really care? Not until I read a few blogs that said they have bee...

Are You Willing to Travel For Love?

 Phenomenal woman Well that was the question I was asked  recently..Now that I am here, It's not that important to me anymore. When I decides to travel, It's for Fun only and to clear my head. I can't see myself traveling for love. if i just so happen to come across some Eye Candy that turns my head more than once..It will be worth the trip..So they say It's only 10% of good men left, ok but did they mean 10% world wide, or 10% per state? lol. good question Karen..I am on a lonely road and I am traveling, traveling looking for something, what can it be? hmmmmm, maybe a key to set me free..Sometimes getting away is the only option..You see I have these feelings all wrapped up in this nice neat package waiting to get out..The best feelings in your life come when you start feeling good after you've been feeling just awful. For the past few days or so, I have been feeling stomped on. I finally know where I stand in peoples lives.You know how you think y...