What Does It Feels Like To Be Dateless on Valentine? What Do We Do?

Well, you know..It wouldn't be a big deal if i didn't have to pass the isles in the store with the big red box of chocolates, or pull up a page on the web and the first thing you see is diamonds and pearls..So I decided to treat myself to the material things that I wanted and soon I forgot all about it. Dateless by choice. Which one is better, Just being with some one so you can say you had a date, or being alone..I could care less about what you think.Yes, I choose to be alone. I have never had a problem getting a man. But I have gotten to the point that any old man won't do..I am not striving for perfection. Just the one that God has chosen for me..Because idiots surrounds me, Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot..I can be driven by my own vision or I'll be taken for a ride in someone Else's..Defined Dateless? having no date whatsoever. Oh well then that would be me..lol But do I really care? Not until I read a few blogs that said they have bee...