Welcome To The Wonderful World Of Social Networking...

Here's to the Wives and Girlfriends, and Husbands and Boyfriends,May they never meet!! It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are, I really didn't use to entertain much on f/book but with family and friends. But as the years went by I got to know some people that I wouldn't have never met if it wasn't for f/book and twitter etc. Everything I do, Is limited. If I took time to entertain anybody that means I thought it thru. However that does not mean that is a good thing. What I call Flirting can be misinterpret.. Flirting to me is Attention without intentions.. or is it? Everybody has different reasons for being on f/book and Twitter.. Lets take the married folks..I really feel strongly about this, you shouldn't send pictures of no kind to a woman or man, you shouldn't even comment, no inbox on the side, What would you have to discuss that you can't comment on the wall. Temptation is a mutha, but even if that's something you want to do, Y...