One Sided.."Dating and Marriage Outside Our Race" Men and Women Have It Twisted..

When I turned 40 yrs old (that was 13 years ago) just freshly out of a divorce, I want different!! So I promised myself that I wouldn't date anybody of "Color" Because in my mind and experience Black Men was taught to have this "I'm the Man of the House Mentality" its ok to wear the pants but just don't act like you are my father!! Because truly I want you to "Be the Man" Put me in my place when need be!! Slap me around a few lol (Just kidding about the last one don't even try that on any day that ends in "Y") mmm hmm besides sending the Police you might wanna send an ambulance or the fav line Sling lol Just a few laughs to take me away from the seriousness of this topic. But during the time of Divorce Saga and how it played out, I wanted different, Its funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back Everything is different..When I told most of my friend that I crossed over for a wh...