There Is A Right Way and Then There Is A Wrong Way To Do Anything..

Just Checking to see if i still have legs
Do I turn left? when nothing is right? Or do I turn right, when there's nothing left?..hmmmm  Think about that statement for a minute.You know life is all about asses..You're either covering it, laughing it off, kicking it, kissing it, busting it, trying to get a piece of it, or behaving like one..Yep that's who you are, that's what you do, Most of the time we don't think before we act, Thinking before acting often eliminates the need to apologize, but when you feel you did nothing wrong, all of this is null and void, Some of you  seem to be interested in everything and committed to nothing..I try not to judge people on how they do things.but sometimes it gets hard not to. When you judge the power that a person has, you must judge his capacities as both friend and as enemy..Sometimes it is necessary to do a wrong thing for a right reason. The important thing is to be sure that our reasons are right, and we admit the wrong-- that we do not lie to ourselves, and convince ourselves that we did was right..When somebody do something without asking you how you feel about it first, that would mean really that they didn't care and it's not about you, it's about them..They have the power. and this is where judging people by their acts come in to play, and people love to judge others because it takes away time for them to judge themselves.I try to be careful to judge without first understanding. But it's hard to get understanding when you are the last person they talk to.We live in a mean world. I try not to treat people the way they treat me..When I woke up this morning I was asked "Did you sleep well" I said No I made a few mistakes..I tossed and turned till i just couldn't toss and turn.I remembered we are not going to like everything people do. We are not going to like how they act.. When you trust somebody, you trust that they will treat you with the up most respect.We have a different class of people we deal with on a daily basis. Everybody has a face for each friend or associate.You know the decisions I made 10 yrs ago as far as to what type of men I will date and keeping negative people away from me is coming back.I am a really good person with a good heart. I am really sure that a lot of Black men will not agree totally, But Black Men are Really Hard on our Black Women. Personally and Professionally.I thought maybe it had changed, but no it has not. I have one male friend that I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt, he treats women the same. with kindness, he listens, he don't think he's better, His standards are at a level where we can talk on the same level and understand each other, he is spiritual. I have not had a black male friend since when..that wasn't in a relationship.He is really a good friend, with his own wife and family. and really I need him for taking me to the next level. He has this positive nature. I want to be with positive people.We don't talk everyday but he is there if a friend needs to talk.. That's what I'm talking about..Love the ones you can, touch the ones you can reach, let the others go, If i say I like you, then I like you, If I say I don't like you, trust and believe,I really don't. that list is long.. and for any reason I say I love you."take it" because once it's gone, It won't be revisited  once you let it slip away.I know the difference between right and wrong, and I can tell good from bad.  But I also know that the more difficult decisions come when we have to choose between good and better.  The toughest calls of all are those we have to make between bad and worse....


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