Pushing People To Do What They Don't Want To, Or Is It Procrastination?

What I know Fo'sho "If you allow procrastination to do it's job, success will be laid off:..The world is full of human lobsters; people stranded on the rocks of indecision and procrastination, who, instead of putting forth their own energies, are waiting for some grand surge of good fortune to set them afloat. I know we all procrastinate from time to time, I am guilty. But sometimes we need a Push, I think the bottom line is, If you don't want to do it, chances are, you won't be doing it anyway.Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.It's like the art of keeping up with yesterday. How many times does we say, Well I am going to do this, but I will wait till....... and that times never come..what is till anyway? the 12th of never maybe?...hmmmmmmm Procrastinators: One who works well under pressure.. Why don't we just say, This is what i want, this is what I am going to do..NOW..Know t...