He's Just Not That Into You..Rejection At It's Best..

Let me Paint a Picture for you, You like this guy and you want nothing more than to get with him, You have told him on numerous ocassions and you get no respond. HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU. Every once in a while you flirt with a touch and he respond slightly because he has that reputation of being a Nice guy. So you figure he is in a relationship, but you dont want a relationship, you just want a cuddie buddie..No respond..HE JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU. But in the back of your mind you say, he likes me, he is just playing hard ball..ok ok and then you sit and examine the whole situation and say well my hormones is all over the place.let me take a step back and see the larger picture. then you start thinking do i really want him? do i really like him..How much of this is hormonal? Because there is not a man that I know of would turn down any cookies no matter the flavor..(lol)..So you know you like him but there sits on your shoulder those 6 little words.HE JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU...an...