Going Out On A Limb...What Are The Risk of Being in Love Alone?..

Just because you think you found the right person for you, doesn’t always mean that they feel you are the right person for them. That’s the challenge and the risk of opening up to someone, allowing yourself to become comfortable, even fall in love. And then one can ask and question, “I’m here, but you’re not? Where did you go left & I went right?” You can’t dial down feelings and we can’t turn back time. We can hope, even pray, that these intense feelings, desires & passions for that person, will subside if denied. That the ache in the heart will go away, that it will be filled with some other feeling, other than the love & happiness it once possessed. And then there’s the fear. The fear that if you close that door, that you will never allow it be reopened, even for that ‘imperfect’ perfect person, shall they discover that you are the one later in time. So you say to yourself, “Ok, I know the circumstances, I know they will never change, no matter how sincere the words.” So...