Love Is The answer But, While You Are Waiting For The Answer...

Sex raises some pretty good questions..I just think we are afraid of each other when it comes to sex, because we read so much about sex, we talk so openly about sex, we see movies and we read books; but when we are face to face with somebody, we forget our individual patterns; that we are unique. So we try to repeat other folks patterns, according to what we seen and what we heard. So most of us are very frustrated, because we don’t accept our individuality as far as sex is concerned..Sex is great, addictive, pleasureful and blurs the mind to where its hard to make objective decisions..The intimacy in sex is never only physical. In a sexual relationship we may discover who we are in ways otherwise unavailable to us..When you get to be 50 and over. You know exactly what it is you want and what it will take to please you. I thought that I would be satisfied with just having sex, But really I want to be in love too..Not that I would go looking for it..You do not...