Do You Not know I Am A Single Woman? When I Think, I Must Speak..

Is being Single the American Way? We have a lot of single woman walking around that are happy just the way things are. Being Single has it's down side too.. Single women with homes of their own knows that somethings takes a man to do. but we kind of feel our way through it.Only by choice In the times we are living in these days.either the man wants you to take care of them, or he has set his standards so high you just don't want to be bothered with them.Some get offended when we say there is no good men left. and they would say you are looking in the wrong place. I am prepared to be single, I am not going out there competing for what?.. I know I can come off a bit stubborn, but that's nothing that can't be fixed if need be.It's very rare that one would capture my attention, If you do you would be among the 6 men I called my men which is really fantasy men. I will start in no particular order: Jamie Foxx, Denzel Washington, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Ludacris, Mich...