I shall never fear or avoid things of which I do not know.. I do know that you block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith. there is a time to take councel of your fears and there are times when to never listen to any fear. Desire is the need to add something to yourself in order to be yourself fully. Can we seperate wants from desires? Lust from Love or like? After a few (or many) bad relationships, it's so easy to shut down, give up, and stop believing that the right person is out there for us. Our hearts yearn to fall in love, but our minds insist it's not possible, and we enter into a tug-of-war with ourselves. It's as if one part of us is screaming, "Yes! I deserve a great relationship!" while another part insists, "I'll never find him or her." When our beliefs contradict our desires, we experience an inner conflict that not only paralyzes us, but can actually prevent us from recognizing the possibilities for love th...