Never be afraid to try something new..

You are not the roles that you play.But you do play them, and they do have real consequences.Why do we always have to stay in the same mode all the time. I see most people are stuck on image.always in that professional mode. They want people to look at them in the same way all the time. I am very sure you dont live that way, because at the end of the day, You are who you pretend to be. I think the older we get the worse we become. We miss out on a lot because we have set our standards so high.The quality of an individual is reflected in the standards they set for themselves..Some individuals have developed such strong internal standards that they no longer need the opinion of others to judge whether they have performed a task well or not..Its ok to have standards but not at a level where they cant be met. You notice how we pick a person apart because they dont meet that list you have. but that doesnt mean that's not the right person for you. Everybody wont be perfect."dont get...