What you Keep Coming back to is Who you Really Are

Looking out my kitchen window Bold Statement I think, but it keeps being true, Was it someone else? Was it not you yourself? Well, I can only be me!! The most common form of despair is not being who you are, We must be careful what we pretend to be, because you are what you pretend to be..Often time I see people changing who they are to fit in, Especially when it comes to relationships, Why can't you find a man who will except you for who you really are?. Why would you change yourself just to get what you call your idea man..That will last every bit of a short time, because sooner or later the real you will show..I can understand If we don't show who we are to associates, We have a face for each of our friends. Our action still shows who we really are, Its not that we are being different This is really you..You can't live with a person for 20 yrs and not know who he/she really is..You knew who they were when you married them.. Lets use Maria Shriver and Arnold Swartz....