Where did time go? I think I spent half of my childhood at a friends house. Gail Carr(Richardson). Her Mom {R.I.P. Stella} use to make this oatmeal w/carnation milk. I mean that's all we knew, I just haven't had oatmeal like that in 40 yrs..We didn't know we were "Po" We knew we ate a good meal and was Happy... all I knew I was the happiest at someone else's house.Some part of our past just sticks with you just like the oatmeal with the carnation milk..This is a part of the past we can bring with us..We looked out for each other back then, now we only look out for SELF. All the clothes I had, somebody gave them to me, and i was more than happy to received them, although I didn't know where they came from.Now a days We can't stand to see one another with anything, too busy trying to keep up with the Jones, just make sure the Jones isn't trying to keep up with you first. There are many things that we would throw away if we were not afraid that others...