Sex Over 50...Fuxkable or Duckable?..Straight Talk..

I think most women at 50 and over would be in that class of Fu x kable which means wanting and having the best sex of your life. We all fall in that rut sometime where we don't want sex after having kids and being that typical housewife. we don't care how we look or who even looks at us.which would be "Duckable" at that time we need some type of stimulation. A man can't make this about him, I bring home the bacon I need my needs satisfied, so you go thru the motions, feels like a job. He don't care what's on your mind really..Just do your job and keep me happy.Have I been in either category? I was fuxkable in my 20's to my late 30's and during the times I was married and was a house wife, I was "duckable" I don't think I wanted me at the time!! Now that I am Single and over 50 and have reach the peak of my life I am "Fu x kable" more now than I was in my 20"s. Women at 50 have the same thing on thier minds as men (sex)....