My Dear Santa...

You will be making your rounds in another week, So you forgot where I live Huh? You know we broke up right? I mean really How many promises are you going to break? You know Promises are like crying babies in a theater, they should be carried out at once... I am not materialistic, I could ask you for a IPad, and a Sprint Evo, But Nooooo, I sat on your lap(which was a mistake by the way). because you been trying to pimp a sista out. but all i ask for was a good man. you just send me a piece of a man stitched together. He has this but not that.or he is good at this but he knows nothing. I didnt ask for perfect. Nobody is Perfect..that's why pencils have erasers. but how hard is it to find a really good man. Is it because there are not any the reason why you sending just a man, or do you think you are the one? What about Mrs. Claus? You are a very married man, and i don't want nobody elses man..yea yea I been there done that, but you know I was y...