"Know When To Fold Em"

Sometime we go through life not realizing what we put ourselves through unnecessarily, We need to know when to fold em.. We go into relationship, friendships, or even on a new job, and we know things are not working out but we stay, hoping things will get better, we give it the benefit of the doubt and continue to try to make something good out of it, but no amount of sizzle will make a bad steak good!! What we allow is what will continue.. I am guilty, because of who I am, but I think if I get that hump out of my back and straighten by back up nobody will be able to walk all over it, ya think?..Where do I draw the line? Do I treat people the way that they treat me or do I rise above the little things that seems big to me!! Don't you sometimes wish that you can start over and begin again? Like Brand New Me (Alicia Keys) Clean this House( Isaac Carree), We do have control over how we act, Its hard to reposition yourself sometimes, you can often change our circumstances by c...