Easy Like Sunday Morning..

My Son Ronnie 10-23-80 To 10-02-14 This is what I end my Sunday quotes with on Facebook for the last 10 years..’Easy Like Sunday Morning” Because it’s a day of reflection, to look back on my behavior and others behavior. Did I have to say what I said, or should I have kept quiet.. when I take a day off I don’t call it vacay, I call it a mental health day, Because my job is easy, but it’s never the job it’s always the people at the job.. No Place of business is without a few flaws.. but it’s the people who makes the job harder than it should be.. I try not to read into people behavior, Truth Be Told I can get offended very easily..So I stay in my lane.. I got a letter from my friend Dianne who has retired , She wanted to see how I was doing, I hadn’t checked up on her lately, but she had some good news and not so good, she said she got my new number but she wouldn’t remember if she’d talk to me anyway because of her meds, She was elated to say her grandson was in college has a job a...