The Best Thing I Never Had...

How many of us has Dodged a few bullets in our lifetime? Men and Women for that matter. Men would say: I am glad I did not hook up with that crazy girl, or women would say: Wow I am glad I didn't marry that idiot..Although some bullets wasn't meant to be dodged. Some were learning lesson, and if you didn't learn anything from failed relationships and marriages it is sure to REPEAT itself. Being married in this day and time is HIGHLY overrated!! Being in a relationship is hard enough. Its hard to find a person that is worth the trip..Things are not what they use to be, Women wouldn't dream of leaving a man back in the day, it was for better or worse, now its like null and void.You see somebody you dated long ago, and y'all only dated a short time because somebody showed their azz. All you can think about is Good looking out buddy, Thank God I dodge that bullet...Though we can't always see it at the time, if we look upon events with some perspective, we see things...