New Years 2011..The Best Mirror is an Old Friend..

The start of the New Year is a perfect time to start a stop doing list and to make this the cornerstone of your New Year resolutions, be it for your company, your family or yourself. It also is a perfect time to clarify your three circles, mirroring at a personal level the three questions: 1) What are you deeply passionate about? 2)Do you need a Career Change.3) What Love Got To Do With It..I am Deeply passionate about Being the best that I can be..and I really feel that I suppose to be doing something other than what I am doing. I know that for a fact. This year is not gone yet but I decided to stop focusing on Love and looking for a man. I mean if somebody wants to spend some time with me, that's fine and if not that's fine too. It's too exhausting. It's like trying to Nail Jelly To A Tree, My heart is on Vacation,( I can hear the scarecrow singing from the wizard of oz, if i only had a heart) What is meant for you, is already written any way. I can't say that I w...