Jeoulous Kind Of Fella

My sister sent me this song on f/book and it took me way back in time, you can listen to it in one of the links below.I can remember the times when if a man was jealous you knew it..It was honest and true.that was when a man was really in love with you. when he punched a dude out..But now, It's a lot of pretending going on..First thing they say, Oh no I am not a jealous man, but that's just to protect them. because they think if she know I am jealous she will use it against me, lawd. so they rather keep it all bottle up inside and next thing you know somebody is seriously hurt or dead..because you have let this jealousy build up and made you crazy, Why? Why not just say I am Jealous so don't do this or that. and that got that. Of couse men are not the only one women keeps that hidden..remember the song..Thin line between love and hate..hmmmmm instead of saying stop staying out all night and coming home when you get ready, then one day he gets home she have put him in the ho...