Lord, if I can't have what I want, let me want what I have.

This is one powerful statement, It goes thru me everytime i read it..Because we are always wanting things we can't have..but the things we have goes unnoticed.You have always fought against your dreams, and 'I want' has never even shown its face. It was always drowned out by 'I must' or 'I hope' or 'I need.When you learn not to want things so badly, life comes to you.. This is one of those day where I am all over the place. My mind is stuck wondering How did i get to the point where everything i am doing I've outgrown. I have tryed a lot of things and the only thing that gave me that natural high was when i had by own business. I think I want to get back to that point..That would be a good start. I am single (by choice). so I dont have to have a second opinion.I must do me. Who don't want to be loved? I have not gotten to that point yet.. I have to get rid of the desires and wants that i have..m y mind wants to interpret All my dreams.My heart w...