Showing posts from January, 2011
"Please Hear What I Am Not Saying"
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Don't be fooled by me. Don't be fooled by the face I wear. For I wear a thousand masks, masks that I am afraid to take off and none of them are me. Pretending is an art that's second nature with me, but don't be fooled. For God's sake don't be fooled. I give the impression that I am secure, that all is sunny and unruffled with me, within as well as without, that confidence is my name and coolness my game; that the waters are calm and I am in command, and that I need no one. But don't believe me, please. My surface may seem smooth, but my surface is my mask, ever-varying and ever-concealing 'Neath this lies no complacence. Beneath dwells the real me in confusion, in fear, and aloneness. But I hide this. I don't want anybody to know. I panic at the thought of my weakness and fear of being exposed. That is why I frantically create a mask to hide behind; a nonchalant, sophisticated facade, to help me pretend, to shield me from the glance that knows. But ...
The Power Of Prayer.God Is Who He say He Is
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I heard this morning on the radio that Knowledge of the Truth will set you free..The most powerful statement I have heard in a long time. How do anybody spend almost their whole lives with secrets? Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets.. God offers to every mind its choice between truth and repose. Take which you please - you can never have both.. oh but the power of prayer.If you are confused as to where you need to be or what path you need to take. You need to pray about it. God knows our heart, but how do you expect him to answer your prayers when you haven't told him what you want. You have to talk to God.The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays. I know back in the day, Our parents kept real secrects that we knew nothing of. and they say it was to protect us. I think it hurt us, this is why i refuse to keep secrects from my children. I was a grown woman when i found out ...
Jeoulous Kind Of Fella
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My sister sent me this song on f/book and it took me way back in time, you can listen to it in one of the links below.I can remember the times when if a man was jealous you knew it..It was honest and true.that was when a man was really in love with you. when he punched a dude out..But now, It's a lot of pretending going on..First thing they say, Oh no I am not a jealous man, but that's just to protect them. because they think if she know I am jealous she will use it against me, lawd. so they rather keep it all bottle up inside and next thing you know somebody is seriously hurt or dead..because you have let this jealousy build up and made you crazy, Why? Why not just say I am Jealous so don't do this or that. and that got that. Of couse men are not the only one women keeps that hidden..remember the song..Thin line between love and hate..hmmmmm instead of saying stop staying out all night and coming home when you get ready, then one day he gets home she have put him in the ho...
The One You Love and the One who loves You...
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The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person..Why is that? It always happens that way. You are in a relationshsip and you don't love them, you love the other person..About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all. been there and done that..I want you to always make decisions according to your heart, where there is the purest truth. I don't mutter the words "I love you" if I dont really love you. but The hardest thing to do is watch someone you loves, love someone else...but you notice life still goes on. Life brings you exactly what you need .you never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back. A friend of mine, almost always ends the conversation with I love you. But I gave you more than enough chances to say that as often as possible when we were together. now that we are apart. you throwing it around like its no...
'If You Don't Have A Dream, How You Gonna Make Your Dream Come True?
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How Indeed?..Our visions are, in many ways, our most vital assets. They may frustrate and tantalise us when we realise that we are unlikely ever to turn them into a reality; but they can comfort us enormously if we cling to them in times of adversity.But You know, I have come to believe that some people are as happy as they make up thier minds to be. Everything is always cut and dry. and we know that is not the way life is. I have dreams, I never stop dreaming.There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure. Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning. I have witnessed some folks who just stop dreaming, the older they get they just adopted this "live and let live" No need to dream or want more.It's sad...And for God's sake, never get into the petty habit of measuring your self-worth against other people's net-worth. Every second you spend thinki...
Do You Not know I Am A Single Woman? When I Think, I Must Speak..
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Is being Single the American Way? We have a lot of single woman walking around that are happy just the way things are. Being Single has it's down side too.. Single women with homes of their own knows that somethings takes a man to do. but we kind of feel our way through it.Only by choice In the times we are living in these days.either the man wants you to take care of them, or he has set his standards so high you just don't want to be bothered with them.Some get offended when we say there is no good men left. and they would say you are looking in the wrong place. I am prepared to be single, I am not going out there competing for what?.. I know I can come off a bit stubborn, but that's nothing that can't be fixed if need be.It's very rare that one would capture my attention, If you do you would be among the 6 men I called my men which is really fantasy men. I will start in no particular order: Jamie Foxx, Denzel Washington, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Ludacris, Mich...
Billy Ocean - There'll Be Sad Songs (To Make You Cry)
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Hiding Behind Religion...."Bible Christians"..taking it out a whole new door
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Let me start by saying, Going to Church don't make you a Christian, Like standing in a garage don't make you a car. I know i will be stepping on a few toes. Criticism like rain should be gentle enough to nourish a man growth without destroying his roots. But I received an email about a week ago from this guy that I will call "Rhalpie". He wanted to thank me for the b/day wish that I always end with a smoochies for the men.because that's who i am that's what I do. Judging from his comments and post he is a Christian Man that's what one would assume. but in my heart of hearts a man will be a man. He have a girlfriend that he raved about. He said thank you for all the inspirational things you post and things that make me laugh..I responded and said thank you I am glad i am entertaining somebody(big mistake). So the email kept going for hours. Because i had decided to entertain this one because really he was saying all the things that a woman needs to hear so...
Do Women Know What They Want? Do Men? Hell No..REAL TALK
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I think some women know what they want, But between the ages of 25-35 I don't really think they know what they want. they might have an idea, but that don't cut it in the times we are living in.When you get between 35-45 you begin to think really hard about what you want and where you want to go.because by this time you have been there and done some crazy things. You been in maybe more than enough fail relationships and maybe a few failed marriages, Most are single mothers by then. But when you get to be 50 like myself. You know exactly what you want and contemplating on how we are going to get it. Because we have played all the games that can be played, So you can't put too much over on us that we haven't already done.But that don't stop a man from trying. Because I can't tell these days who lie the most, Women or Men. Men don't lie like women, Something happen along the way, Really they get caught, Women has mastered that trade. Men have never known wh...
Genius, Solitude, Companionship, And Self Reliance..
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Just Something I ran across while researching.This one by Ralph Waldo Emerson just about sums up what I really had in mind: I appeal from your customs. I must be myself. I cannot break myself any longer for you, or you. If you can love me for what I am, we shall be the happier. If you cannot, I will still seek to deserve that you should. I will not hide my tastes or aversions. I will so trust that what is deep is holy, that I will do strongly before the sun and moon whatever inly rejoices me, and the heart appoints. If you are noble, I will love you; if you are not, I will not hurt you and myself by hypocritical attentions. If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own,,...Wow Deep..But you know Being a single 50 yr old woman and just listening and looking at other people relationships, Every one of them have their own definition of what happiness is. Because I had labeled it as Pretending to be happy.I guess knowing what you want and...
Lloyd feat. Patti LaBelle "Lay It Down" Part II - A Tribute to the Legends
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Out With The Old, In With the New..or .Transform, Reflect, Heal,and Create
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I can Honestly say that 2010 was sort of a struggle with the highs and lows. But what impact me mostly was something Local which was Bishop Eddie Long ..That kind of threw me off guard for a minute. Only because people had consider Eddie more of a Celebrity than a Bishop and some people refuse to allow others to feel what they feel. I am allowed to feel how I feel respect that and keep it moving. We can agree to disagree. He is good and what he does I am not taking that away from him..but I was very disappointed. Allow me to be please.But like I said the bible is free..Nationally what impact me was Michael Jackson death, and the Haiti quake.All was tragic, The way we lost the King of Pop..and how we lost all the people in Haiti. A lot of things do have a impact on me every time I watch the evening news.Remember that nothing has to change in the world for us to transform our own life experience.We cannot see our reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see....