The Power Of Prayer.God Is Who He say He Is
I heard this morning on the radio that Knowledge of the Truth will set you free..The most powerful statement I have heard in a long time. How do anybody spend almost their whole lives with secrets? Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets..God offers to every mind its choice between truth and repose. Take which you please - you can never have both.. oh but the power of prayer.If you are confused as to where you need to be or what path you need to take. You need to pray about it. God knows our heart, but how do you expect him to answer your prayers when you haven't told him what you want. You have to talk to God.The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays. I know back in the day, Our parents kept real secrects that we knew nothing of. and they say it was to protect us. I think it hurt us, this is why i refuse to keep secrects from my children. I was a grown woman when i found out that we have a half brother...never seen him, but surely we don't won't our children to meet and not know that they are related. It's crazy..I know a man spent 30 yrs of his life thinking that I left him for another man,. First of all he should have asked and second I was 20 yrs old I was leaving anyway. We just about know when to call it quits. you give them 19 million warnings and they just ignore them. But why would you harbor those kinds of makes you bitter. So I had to go and revisit the same man that i left to learn that we were not meant to be together and tie up those loose ends.. The ride was a eye opener. I had to teach him to live again..not even sure if it worked. God put people in our lives for a reason.. Knowledge stands on one leg, and requires balance and attention. Truth stands on its own two strong legs, and requires no proof. You may be at a crossroads in your life. You may have issues to deal with; people you need to forgive. You can go one of the two ways. You can ignore what you now know to be true and keep burying that bitterness in your life, pushing it deeper and allowing it to poison and contaminate you and those around you. Or you can make a much better choice by getting it out in the open and asking God to help you to totally forgive and let it all go. God is who he say he is..
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