Out With The Old, In With the New..or .Transform, Reflect, Heal,and Create

I can Honestly say that 2010 was sort of a struggle with the highs and lows. But what impact me mostly was something Local which was Bishop Eddie Long ..That kind of threw me off guard for a minute. Only because people had consider Eddie more of a Celebrity than a Bishop and some people refuse to allow others to feel what they feel. I am allowed to feel how I feel respect that and keep it moving. We can agree to disagree. He is good and what he does I am not taking that away from him..but I was very disappointed. Allow me to be please.But like I said the bible is free..Nationally what impact me was Michael Jackson death, and the Haiti quake.All was tragic, The way we lost the King of Pop..and how we lost all the people in Haiti. A lot of things do have a impact on me every time I watch the evening news.Remember that nothing has to change in the world for us to transform our own life experience.We cannot see our reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.Healing is not the same as curing. Healing does not take us back to what was before, rather, Healing brings us closer to our true Self. and Only when you listen, you can create. Every time I heard Happy New Year, I think a tear came from my eyes. because I know some part of 2010 I was more emotional than anything. I did some things that looking back on I regret. I turned 50 in 2010 and thinking more of how short life is. and who in their right mind would want to go it alone. I created a different attitude last night. No( Michael Baisden. Baisden Live) I will not Compete to get or keep a man. That blog he posted last year asked us women that question, I don't think I ever got over that question...lol..I know we are living in different times but No I won't be pursuing Men while they sit back and allow us to make fools of ourselves. I say Men if you want it you need to get off your asses and go get like you use to in the past.I can honestly say,Sometimes love comes around,.And it knocks you down Just get back up When it knocks you down..I mean it came in, and knocked me on my face.What will the new bring in 2011? I don't do resolutions. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me..."Some have been to the mountain. I have been to my knees by the side of my bed.. I thank God For allowing me to see another year..2011


  1. Feeling this blog sis. I rarely make resolutions too but this year I made non-materialistic resolutions: to cater to my own spirit and soul, listen more and talk less, and seeking peace by letting go and letting God. 2010 was challenging and I still cannot get over MJ passing away (Lawd ...!). A good man is hard to find but I think many men feel the same about women. The morals and values have really changed since we were younger, too many choices, too many avenues to "step out" on relationships. I also agree that lonliness is a motherf* but I am re-discovering who I am and what makes me tick. If you don't want to make any resolutions then don't, feel free to embrace your own decisions without explanations. Take 2011 to live, love and enjoy. Peace and luv to you always.

    P.S. - We absolutely cannot let another 2012 come in without getting together this year at least for lunch!!! LOL.

  2. This is true gail I do need to listen more, let go and let God, God knows us better than we know ourselves, and no matter what everytime i try to go ahead of him, he shows me who is in charge.because he knows me.After my divorce which was 13 years ago I made time to see who i was and what i wanted. I know what i want and that seems real and what is.Yes sis we must get together this year. Lunch on me..is Mcdonalds $1 menu good?..lol


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