What Happens When We Do Nothing....

It's never to late to do nothing!..We always say, I think I am too old to do this or that. Remember when going on an interview was a piece of cake, You knew what to say, how to dress, I mean how many jobs we had when we were in our 20's. Well when you get 40-50 we think that an interview is just so damn over rate, we think they should just give us the job because we have the qualification. I mean Gee Gosh Willy, you know I am going to say exactly what I think you want to hear. But what if I do nothing?..The job will not just drop in my lap..Nothing tried, nothing done. If you do nothing then you will get nothing in return..Same goes with relationships. We settle because it's easier. you know things ain't working out, but we choose to do nothing. You know you want somebody to love you, You want to be happy but fear just keeps you from it.but the way to be nothing is to do nothing.I use to hear wait is what broke the wagon down all the time..Or what are you waiting for?...