
Showing posts from March, 2011

Riding Out The Storm...

daughter and grands Expect the hill and the valley to see things differently..(Nothing Profound quoted)..Saturday storms in Atlanta and probably across the states was indeed intense. Which reminded me of my sons graduation in 2008, when the valedictorian  told a story about you got to ride out the storm, No matter how it looks ride out the storm eventually things will get clearer but don't pull over and stop and get caught up. Well my daughter and my grand kids was out and about to visit relatives.It begin to to rain while we were on the road, as we got closer to our destination we was going to make a stop at the store, but it was raining really hard by then, Hailing..We could not see a thing, It was horrible, couldn't see the car in front of us. I told my daughter to pull over, there is no way we will be able to get thru this, she said No ma..I am going to keep going, I said can you see? she said better than you?(lol the only part that was funny now that i am telling the s...

A Sure Thing...

Know you like a brother, Treat you like a friend. Respect you like a lover..You could bet that Never gotta sweat that...(I love this Song) If you be the cash I'll be the rubberband You be the match Imma be your fuse..Listen to the song It is one of the best love song other than Until the end of Timothy Bloom..This song Sure Thing by Miguel..This love is a sure thing... How many can say that?  I think we know when we have a SURE THING.. When I was younger I was sure of everything; then on down the road, having been mistaken a thousand times, I was not half so sure of most things as I was before; at present, I am hardly sure of anything but what God has revealed to me..I ask God to heighten my vision so that I may be able to see who is good for me and who is wasting my time...I am good now, It is amazing how good it feels to let go of something .. I am free to be in love....Such a sure thing....Knowing that everthing happens for a reason, should we be over excited about...

Miguel - Sure Thing


Pushing People To Do What They Don't Want To, Or Is It Procrastination?

What I know Fo'sho "If you allow procrastination to do it's job, success will be laid off:..The world is full of human lobsters; people stranded on the rocks of indecision and procrastination, who, instead of putting forth their own energies, are waiting for some grand surge of good fortune to set them afloat.  I know we all procrastinate from time to time, I am guilty. But sometimes we need a Push, I think the bottom line is, If you don't want to do it, chances are, you won't be doing it anyway.Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.It's like the art of keeping up with yesterday. How many times does we say, Well I am going to do this, but I will wait till....... and that times never come..what is till anyway? the 12th of never maybe?...hmmmmmmm Procrastinators: One who works well under pressure.. Why don't we just say, This is what i want, this is what I am going to do..NOW..Know t...

Wedding Bells for the Ex..Gotta love it...

 kierstin and granpapa    This is one of those days that Silence is a good thing... But I got to talk about it.. My daughter email me at work,(we both work in the same place) and said her father was getting married again. This is his 4th marriage. One before me and two after. I just hope this is it for him, that he finally found somebody that is right for him and thats his equal.I am so shock at the moment, I knew he was dating seriously, but I thought maybe I will find my mate before he do, crazy huh? know.. Am I jealous? No Honestly I am very happy for him, We been divorced for maybe 12 yrs I had a good run while we were together, learned alot, I knew we were not going to grow old together. I think every person knows if you will be with that person for the rest of your life...You know,,you may never want to admit it and try to hold on for dear life, but some things we must let go of.. He told me he will keep trying till he get it right, He just may have gott...

Clutter In Our Lives Leaves No Room for New People and New Things..

Everything we possess that is not necessary for life or Happiness becomes a burden, and scarcely a day passes that we do not add to it..  Some of us are Hoarders. We keep things no matter if its broken or not, You know you don't need it but you keep it anyway, not allowing some good things to come in your life. We keep people in our lives knowing they are no good for us, but we are allowing them to stop us from living the life that God has prepared for us..Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.. We need to get rid of some clutter, anything that doesnt serve a positive purpose in your life. We need to make room for  things that feel happy to you. You know we get to make our lives what we want it to be. Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough. Bottom line is, If you do not use it or need it, Its clutter. and it needs to go.Never again clutter your days or nights with so many menial and unimportant ...


Where did time go? I think I spent half of my childhood at a friends house. Gail Carr(Richardson). Her Mom {R.I.P. Stella} use to make this oatmeal w/carnation milk. I mean that's all we knew, I just haven't had oatmeal like that in 40 yrs..We didn't know we were "Po" We knew we ate a good meal and was Happy... all I knew I was the happiest at someone else's house.Some part of our past just sticks with you just like the oatmeal with the carnation milk..This is a part of the past we can bring with us..We looked out for each other back then, now we only look out for SELF. All the clothes I had, somebody gave them to me, and i was more than happy to received them, although I didn't know where they came from.Now a days We can't stand to see one another with anything, too busy trying to keep up with the Jones, just make sure the Jones isn't trying to keep up with you first. There are many things that we would throw away if we were not afraid that others...

"You Alone Are Enough. You Have Nothing To Prove To Anybody"

Throw back Why do we spend so much time trying to prove who we are to anybody..We prove what we want to prove, and the real difficulty is to know what we want to prove..He who knows his soul knows this truth..Who I am is what I have to work with. Look at me, not through me and you'll see me for who I am, someone worth looking at. I don't need to know or prove anything. Just to be, to take a risk and enjoy my life, is all that matters. Say no when I want to say no, and yes when I want to say yes. I have the right to be me.The most common form of despair is not being who you are.We need to know thyself, or at least keep renewing the acquaintance.. How much time is waisted trying to prove something when most of the time some people have already formed their opinion of you anyway. Be true to yourself, and be still, and always listen to yourself. We have to learn to accept "what is" Smile like you've got nothing to prove."Today you are You, that is truer than...