Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be:
Such a true statement, But i want to be as happy as i can be. I am a very private person, I want to be loved with compassion. not too be love in your own way. where do they do that at? unacceptable. Just havent ran across that person yet.Do you have friends that drops over when they get ready? Well i dont, I very seldom have company.If the door bell ring, My son and I will look at each other and say who the heck is that? lol.We are a private family. It was one time that I gave a person a open invitation, they can come anytime it didnt matter the invitation never expires. They never used it, Will they ever? who knows. But its something that i offered because i know i would drop what i was doing just to tend to them. Where do they do that at? lol.... people are so selfish these days they only think about themselves. So its hard to pick a good man that will except you for who you are. I have a best friend i see whenever we find the time to hook up like this past weekend, we just got in the car and went driving, she turned the music up like she was a dang rock star.and it was some crazy music too. she knows that just get to me..but what are friends for. We got on the subject about men and being happy. She said what do you want? I said I want Love..I said what do you want? she paused and said i want somebody to be with me and love me and all the good stuff...I said ok we want the same want love too..where do they do that at? we need to ARE A FEW GOOD MEN..cuz ya missing out..
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