Relationships from afar...

Long distance relationships, I think it only works when you are young. Like College kids, I was shocked when my son told me that he was in a long distance relationship, I thought she live in georgia like everybody we meet does. but she lives in NJ. he has visit her. I was excited for him, but do they work? I mean being so far from each other. I think because they are young, it can. But when you get my age, It dont work, because you wanting to be with him, he can't just up and come see you. He always have to make plans. What if( and we know If is a deep subject) she needs you for something, and you're not there, cant get there, well she will find somebody who can be there when she needs them. Oh sure she will keep you just in case.. But a woman wants a man close by. unless you got an understanding, then that's the only way that will work. Even with an understanding, I really dont feel like you are the only person that they see.. I think that when you call and say you are coming up on such and such day, that is the day they make just for you. but the rest of the time belongs to the person close by.. I cant do a long distance relationship it's not work the trip...
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