You Are What You Pretend To Be.. Sunday’s Thoughts..

Destin Florida You Know I am an observer, been that way my whole life, while you’re sleeping I’m probably thinking, I can detect and attitude even before I can see it.. But I don’t need other people attitude I have one of my own..So before I start my Day, I adjust My Crown.. Because You Are Responsible for Your Attitude No Matter how You Feel.. I wonder sometimes How much of what I see is real, and how many are pretending, To Be Clear, I believe half of what I see and hear.. I have never seen such nonsense, People wanting to be like other people, act the way they act..I don’t need friends who changes when I change and who nods when I nod, my shadow does that much better..Some People want you to believe that their lives are better than yours and that people adore Them..but all I see is a narcissist. People get an attitude because they are not happy with their own life, pretending to have a girlfriend or boyfriend just to show me that you have somebody, but they will never be go...