And Suddenly You Know...…’Living My Best Life”
I haven’t written anything in a good while, Busy trying to live my ‘Best Life’ The more things change the more they stay the same, Since the death of my son Oct 2, 2014, My life changed, the way I treat people, my taste in music and taste in men..low tolerance for bullshit though, One Thing I’ve learned about life, it goes on.. no matter what may be going on in your life..Love the ones you can, touch the ones you can reach, Let the others go..I’m not who I use to be, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually..I have my own personal relationship with God, By his Grace I’m able to carry on. Physically my body has some kinks with the changes women go through at a certain’s like I want to be in a relationship but the person might not have what it takes emotionally, mood swings has it’s days and some days I want to leave well enough alone and stay single..right now no one is good enough..I had friends I use to talk to but I was kidding myself thinking I want to spend time with them knowing I was born to stand has to be about me..So I go to my 8hrs a Day job to deal with the same people doing what they do best..pretending to be something they are not..(love the way you lie). I can’t deal with selfish individuals not now or ever.. sometimes I wander how people go from one extreme to the other, like where were you when I was going through a crisis, you were making good money, I didn’t see you but now I see you more than I want to.. or when you weighed 300lbs couldnt get a companion but now you’re slim and everybody wants you, or your bff talking behind your back but you still hanging with her.🙄 I see this kind of behavior daily but one thing is Fo’sho I don’t Change with the season, either I like you or I don’t there is no in between..big or small Rich or poor..I don’t pretend..What I want right now is to be able to Dance like nobody is watching..and when I want something, go after it with all that I have..and 10 years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life you didn’t settle for it..
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