My Dear Santa...
You will be making your rounds in another week, So you forgot where I live Huh? You know we broke up right? I mean really How many promises are you going to break? You know Promises are like crying babies in a theater, they should be carried out at once... I am not materialistic, I could ask you for a IPad, and a Sprint Evo, But Nooooo, I sat on your lap(which was a mistake by the way). because you been trying to pimp a sista out. but all i ask for was a good man. you just send me a piece of a man stitched together. He has this but not that.or he is good at this but he knows nothing. I didnt ask for perfect. Nobody is Perfect..that's why pencils have erasers. but how hard is it to find a really good man. Is it because there are not any the reason why you sending just a man, or do you think you are the one? What about Mrs. Claus? You are a very married man, and i don't want nobody elses man..yea yea I been there done that, but you know I was young and stupid..I grew up, that was 27 years ago. I learned my dog gone lesson. but not everything is a lesson. People come in our lives for different reasons. I have 3 wonderful children out of that and one failed marriage that ended in divorce. But I'm good.. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, Family and Friends are wonderful, But what about somebody to love..Not just anybody..A real know like two volumes of one book type love. I am not asking for much am I?..Oh so you want me to get out more? Oh so i won't find anybody if i stay around the house all the time. Well you know i am a home chick..I am not the go out all the time club girl. So If i can't find him between work Walmart and home i am screwed right? Well ok i guess i can broaden my horizon. but you need to do your part and stop playin..I am not ok you know I am lying..I been really know the square root of 69 is eight something right? Santa I really don't care how you get my man under my tree Boxers or Briefs..You can reach me by railway, you can reach me by trailway You can reach me on an airplane, you can reach me with your mind You can reach me by caravan, cross the desert like an Arab man I don't care how you get here, just - get here if you can ......Ok Santa u know where i live well..I use to live on the corner of love street and fools rd..I moved. I am on the corner of Faith and Hope.....hola atcha St Nick..Oh na na...
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