When Standards Are too High
We all know that that we block our blessings when we set out standards to high. Ok so you are interested in a professional woman, Teacher, doctor, lawyer, nurse, etc. But that might not be what God has in store for you. Sometimes our standards are so high and we only want things this way and God says well i want it this way.. So you were on your way to the top, but somehow wrench got thrown in..The company moved or closed down, Now you got to begin again forcing you to have a different attitude about things. Yet your standards are still a bit too high, Dont get me wrong I wouldnt want anybody that's poverty stricken, because if he can't meet me where i am financially i need to leave him where he's at. But never say you will never date a ghetto girl or a hood man,..You never know. God put people in our lives for a reason. He may want to see you with Shaquita, because she may be your ticket to the top.. Or Cedric who just got a promotion to Manager and McDonalds.. One thing I know for sure is ..Our lives are already written. But the reason you can't find anybody is because your standards are to high, I think when we get a certain age we tend to be picky, I am not picky, I just know what I want. and if all else fails, I know how to lower my standards. Try lowering your standard..Some of you are not that great anyway.. I feel if you been divorce more than 2 times, Its you and not them...You need to work on that personality...Sometimes you have to change..Man in the mirror..
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